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Start date: 02/25/25

End date: 03/13/25

Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM (2/25/2025-3/10/2025); Weekly - Tue 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM (3/11/2025-3/11/2025); Weekly - Thu 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM (3/13/2025-3/13/2025)

Location : Boise, Mallard Place Building Location : 
  Boise, Mallard Place Building.

Please read: The online learning component for this ...More

Cost: $159.00

Section Number: 003

Start date: 02/24/25

End date: 03/26/25

Weekly - Mon, Wed 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM (2/24/2025-3/26/2025)

Location : Nampa, Micron Education Center Location : 
  Nampa, Micron Education Center.

Please read: Courses are offered in-person at regularly ...More

Cost: $389.00

Section Number: 004

Start Date: upon registration

Please read: Courses are offered entirely online through ...More

Cost: $149.00

Section Number: 001W

Start date: 02/22/25

End date: 02/22/25

Weekly - Sat 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM (2/22/2025-2/22/2025)

Location : Boise, Mallard Place Building Location : 
  Boise, Mallard Place Building.

Please read: Courses are offered in-person at regularly ...More

Cost: $99.00

Section Number: 011

Start date: 05/19/25

End date: 06/02/25

Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM (5/19/2025-6/2/2025)

Location : Nampa, Micron Education Center Location : 
  Nampa, Micron Education Center.

Please read: Courses are offered in-person at regularly ...More

Cost: $596.00

Section Number: 002

Start date: 06/09/25

End date: 06/23/25

Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM (6/9/2025-6/23/2025)

Location : Nampa, Micron Education Center Location : 
  Nampa, Micron Education Center.

Please read: Courses are offered in-person at regularly ...More

Cost: $395.00

Section Number: 002

Start date: 03/04/25

End date: 03/06/25

Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM (3/4/2025-3/6/2025)

Please read: Courses are offered entirely online through ...More

Cost: $155.00

Section Number: 009

Start date: 02/15/25

End date: 03/15/25

Weekly - Sat 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM (2/15/2025-3/15/2025)

Location : Nampa, Micron Education Center Location : 
  Nampa, Micron Education Center.

Please read: Courses are offered in-person at regularly ...More

Cost: $595.00

Section Number: 006

Start date: 02/25/25

End date: 03/27/25

Weekly - Tue, Thu 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM (2/25/2025-3/27/2025)

Location : Nampa, Micron Education Center Location : 
  Nampa, Micron Education Center.

Please read: Courses are offered in-person at regularly ...More

Cost: $389.00

Section Number: 004



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